


…on the website of PROMO-FRUIT Ltd.

Find out about the essentials of our new products.

A large number of the opposite mentioned varieties derive from the very talented private breeder Peter Hauenstein, Rafz/Switzerland. From the very start his goal was the creation of excellent tasting varieties followed by best possible yields. Due to his extensive knowledge and experience some excellent tasting new varieties have been created. Some of which, however, are not well suited for the wholesale market. On the other hand, many consumers are pleasantly surprised how delicious the new varieties can taste.

With his varieties Peter Hauenstein has provided us with creations that have yet to be matched.

We pride ourselves in providing professional information rather than using superlatives in describing the varieties.

Discover the assortment of Promo-Fruit and find out about its special qualities.

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PROMO-FRUIT LTD. | Schluchewäg 1 | CH-8197 Rafz | Tel. +41 43 433 56 56| Fax +41 43 433 56 55 | © 2025
Company Portrait | Varieties and list of licensees Website by Escapenet GmbH